a Christian Man, American Patriot, Service-disabled Veteran-owned Small Business
1.0 Summary Details
1.1 Course Number: V-LSSYB-2020
1.2 Course Timing:
Contact Hours: 8 hours
Project/Assignment/Homework Hours: 2 hours
Total Course Duration: 10 hours
1.3 Class Meeting Time:
0800 – 1200 (for each of two consecutive days)
Offered at these times in five time zones:
Unites States: US EDT, US CDT, US MDT, and US PDT
Australia: AEST
1.4 Focused Industry Offerings:
Manufacturing and Distribution
Service and Administration
Local Government
Federal Government
1.5 Certification Project: Not Required
1.6 Certification Exam: Not Required
1.7 Pre-requisites: Basic internet and computer utilization.
2.0 Course Description
This hands-on, interactive training and certification course provides an introductory comprehension of various philosophies, methodologies, and tools in the Lean Six Sigma system including core problem solving and project management frameworks that improve performance. Statistical concepts and process analyses techniques are explored along with best-practice facilitation and change management methods.
3.0 Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Understand and Apply the Scientific Method under Systemic/Enterprise and Isolated/Local Conditions.
Define, Assess, Target, and Reduce Waste and Variation in Critical Systems and Processes.
Apply Methods, Concepts, and Tools across Existing and New Programs and Projects.
4.0 Required Texts, Equipment, and Software
4.1 Books: Students are required to purchase the following book and have it in their possession prior to the first day of class.
Lean Acres: A Tale of Strategic Innovation and Improvement in a Farm-iliar Setting by Jim Bowie
Kindle Pricing on Amazon.com as of 4/8/20: $9.99
Due to the world-wide logistics issues we are currently facing, Roxtar Consulting HIGHLY recommends that students purchase electronic versions of the required book.
4.2 Equipment: Students are required to have access to a computer with internet access and Windows 10 OS.
4.3 Students are required to possess the following software packages and have them successfully installed and tested on their computers prior to the first day of class:
Zoom (free version): https://zoom.us/signup
5.0 Certification Requirements
Course activities (lectures, participation, group discussions, individual presentations, reading, simulations, and homework assignments): Active participation
6.0 Class Policies and Procedures
Courtesy is expected of all students.
Students are encouraged to participate in class discussions and activities.
You are expected to attend EVERY class.
Any unexcused absence will result in failed certification.
Be professional at all times. Students should come to class with the assigned reading and/or homework completed.
Makeup work will not be offered.
Late assignments, projects, etc. will not be accepted.